Avatar - and what we should know about it
'Avatar' is costliest film ever made
By Daniela Deane and Mairi Mackay, CNN
Hundreds of millions of dollars is a lot to spend on a film featuring a bunch of blue aliens (welcher einen Haufen blauer Wesen zur Aufführung bringt)- but that's exactly what Fox Features has done with new 3D sci-fi "Avatar," which the movie studio Fox says is the most expensive (teuerste) production it has ever made.
In an interview with CNN just before the movie's worldwide release later in December 2009, James Gianopulos, co-chairman and CEO of Fox Filmed Entertainment, wouldn't divulge the figure spent (wollte die Zahl, die ausgegeben wurde nicht ausplaudern) on the sci-fi blockbuster (Kassenschlager).
- But now we know that this film cost about $ 500 million – and they had the best artists of the world – graphic designers and computer programmers – but they have already earned more than $ 1.3 billion in the box office wold wide by now. -
Avatar Becomes Most Successful Film Ever Made
(Avatar wird der erfolgreichste film, der je gemacht wurde)
10:50 AM - January 27, 2010 - By Jane McEntegart - Source : Tom's Guide US
The hit 3D movie Avatar has overtaken (hat überholt) Titanic at the box office (an den Kinokassen) to become the most successful film of all time.
Avatar, directed by James Cameron (unter der Regie von James C.) has overtaken (hat überholt) the previous owner (früheren Besitzer des Titels) of the title, Titanic. Also directed by Cameron, Titanic grossed $1.24 billion (fuhr die immense Summe von 1.24 Milliarden dollar ein) in the box offices around the globe (auf der ganzen Erde). Avatar has now grossed $1.30 billion.
However (jedoch), some claim( einige behaupten) that Titanic is still the king of the world (sorry, couldn't help it). Interestingly, Avatar also hasn't beaten Titanic in the United States. While it has grossed more than Titanic worldwide, Avatar has so far grossed $554.9 million in the U.S. box office. Titanic grossed $600.7 million.
Which movie do you think deserves the title of "Most Successful Movie of All Time"?
NEYTIRI and how she became what she is
It is very interesting.
warrior | Krieger |
father and mother | Vater und Mutter |
leaders of the Navii | Oberste Anführer der Navii |
on their planet | auf ihrem Planeten |
don’t understand | verstehen nicht |
the ways how they treat | die Art und Weise wie sie behandeln |
cruelty | Grausamkeit |
environment | Umwelt |
holy to them | heilig für sie |
on her skewer | auf ihren Spieß aufspießen |
my daughter will teach you our ways | meine Tochter wird dir unsere Lebensweise beibringen |
seeds of the secret tree - very pure spirits | Samen vom Geheimnisbaum - sehr reine Geistlein /Wesen aus reinem Geist |
because of signs she | wegen der Zeichen, die sie |
wasn’t able to ignore | wahrnehmen musste |
forced to | waren gezwungen |
will teach you | wird dir beibringen |
captures her | ergreift ganz Besitz von ihr |
so much baggage involved | da sind so viele unterschiedliche Einzelheiten damit verbunden |
you knew this would happen | du hast gewusst, dass das passieren würde |
torn between doing what is expected of her | hin und hergerissen zwischen dem was man von ihr erwartet |
and following her heart | und dem, was ihr das Herz sagt (dem Herzen nachfolgen) |
AVATAR - official trailer
Now watch this video which gives you a lot of information
about the planet Pandora. It is a fantastic world...